World Tournament
World tournament is an event which is held by SMAN 3 Bandung on August 24th 2017 as a refreshing day for students after going through a rough week. The theme of this event is pirate, so the students have to wear costumes that resembles pirates. This isn't just an event for fun because it also train the students' skill in English. For example, the students have to say at least one sentence to get one point. Unfortunately, there is only one person keeping eyes on approximately thirty students so she/he can't always hear every sentence you say and if it's in English or not. This makes it possible for you to say many sentences in English but you don't get any point--unless you tell them every after you say one sentence.
In this event, every two classes combined in a team, and then every class in a team should compete to be the winner of every game. There are so many games in this event, such as number and letter. In this game, every class delegate seven people to representing their class. The judges will give a number to every one of them. Then the judges will read a simple Math problem and if the answer is their number, they must say a word whose number of letters same as their number. For example, if their number is four, they have to say a word whose number of letters is four, such as book. If they can't find any word in five second, they fail.
There is also a game where the players should guess the answer of the questions that the judges gave to them. Because the theme of this event is pirate, most of the questions are about pirates, too. If the players can answer the question with the right answer, they'll have the right to throw a ball into a cup. The team who have more balls in the cup will be the winner. And then there is this iconic game where a player should whisper a word that the judges gave them to the other player and so on until the last whisperer. The last whisperer should tell the writer about the word they heard and the writer should write it correctly. Beside that, there are still so many games in this event, such as construct words, guess the picture, etc.
There is also a game where the players should guess the answer of the questions that the judges gave to them. Because the theme of this event is pirate, most of the questions are about pirates, too. If the players can answer the question with the right answer, they'll have the right to throw a ball into a cup. The team who have more balls in the cup will be the winner. And then there is this iconic game where a player should whisper a word that the judges gave them to the other player and so on until the last whisperer. The last whisperer should tell the writer about the word they heard and the writer should write it correctly. Beside that, there are still so many games in this event, such as construct words, guess the picture, etc.
Overall, this event is fun and interesting. It teaches the students that they can also learn many things with playing games. This event is not only entertaining, it educates the students, too. This is a good event for students who want to spend their weekend with a fun and worthwhile activity.
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